True North (2023, Galerie Fermay, Palma)
GooeyTEAM (selection) Performances, installations and objects in educational and outreach contexts (diverse international Institutions, 2010 - 2017)
Drawings (selection)
Cool and in the cool dark, 2017. radio piece and drawings. Commissioned and broadcast by Cashmere Radio with the help of Music Board Berlin, Oct 2017
A Table for Voices, 2016. Performance, masks, drawing, music and animation. Showed at Tête, Berlin, February 2016
Aerial Holding Hands 2016. Two-channel piece for radio, each channel 27 min long. Commissioned by Radiophrenia Festival.
Broadcast on BBC Radio 6 and during Radioiphrenia, CCA, Glasgow, September 2016, and on Radio Space as part of the Borealis Festival, Bergen, Norway, March 2017
Broadcast on BBC Radio 6 and during Radioiphrenia, CCA, Glasgow, September 2016, and on Radio Space as part of the Borealis Festival, Bergen, Norway, March 2017
Speech of the Ignorant, 2015. Performance with electric accordion, pleather map of Orkney and printed songbook with lyrics and drawn notation. Performed at 6 Woman, 6 Nights, 6 Performances Festival January 2015 at Tête, Berlin and Le Dojo, Nice in May 2015
Same as you (but different), 2015. Series of mixed media drawings on paper, shown at Saturnia, Annuale 2015, Embassy/Project Wakaka, Edinburgh (publication)
Hektor und Rositha, 2015. Performance with Isabel Reis, Performed at Queer Aesthetics, Kunstmuseum Luzern and at the exhibition 'Full Size Original Loading', Kunstarkaden, Munich; Glück, Theater am Neumarkt, Zürich 2014 Concert excerpt
Mein Name Gisela, 2015. Broadcast during the Radiophrenia festival at the CCA, Glasgow, April 2015 and on Resonance FM, London April & December 2015.
Dressing / Changing / Tailoring, 2015. Performance with Sophie Macpherson, Performed as part of 'Fleeting Gestures' at Projektraum o.T., Berlin, June 2015
Masking Me, 2015. Paper, bamboo rods, mixed media. Series of studio photos of myself wearing masks of celebrities and historical figures. Work in progress.
Frau Dulles waves her hat, 2014. Workshop and performance at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, as part of the exhibition Returning to Sender
Phishing the Landscape, 2014. exhibition at Verksmi∂an, Hjalteyri, Iceland. Exhibition website
A Gilded Age that Glitters, 2013. Solo show featuring an evening of responsive performances by diverse artists. Centrum, Berlin
A Journey Around the Room, 2013 (with Fred Bigot). Collages, quilts, 4-channel sound, computer & monitor, framed drawings. Variable dimensions
Images from 'Trajector Intermezzo' Art Fair, Brussels 2013
Images from 'Trajector Intermezzo' Art Fair, Brussels 2013
If I could turn back time, 2013. Performance with Viola Thiele and Robert Bader at the Clockwork Gallery, Berlin
Three women demonstrating their men, 2012 & Sad Rocket, 2012. Oil pastel on coloured card. Shown as part of the exhibition Coeur de Silex, La Galerie, Noisy-le-Sec
Enterface, workshop with students from the Villa Arson Academy for Fine Art, Nice, 2011

Screen Realities, 2010, exhibition in IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna, 01.06.2010 - 23.07.2010

Xavier Gautier (FR)/ Malve Lippmann (DE)/ Catriona Shaw (UK)/ Tellervo Kalleinen (FI)/ Jerome Poret & Fred Bigot (FR)/ J&K [Janne Schäfer and Kristine Agergaard] (DE/DK)/ Sabine Marte (A)/ Nina Lassila (FI)/ Hank Schmidt in der Beek & Niklas Schechinger (DE)/ Mosh Mosh [Isabel Reiss (DE) and Viola Thiele (A)] / Pauline Curnier Jardin (FR)
Opera for Migrant Clouds, (with Pauline Curnier Jardin) 2010.
Shown at the exhibition 'On Clouds' at the Observatory, New York, 2010 and Centrespace, DCA, Dundee. 2010

To embody and capture a singular moment in the constant metamorphosis of clouds, 'Opera for Migrant Clouds' is a sound piece, a collection of vocal recordings, interpreting the possible songs of clouds, performed by anyone inspired by the beauty (or mediocrity) of a cloud of their choosing.
The Unclassifiable Romanesco, 2010. Performance and installation with Pauline Curnier Jardin, Galerie Ben Kaufmann, Berlin and KIndl Brewery, Berlin
Jerome didn't pick us up for lunch, 2009. Mixed media mobile installation. Shown at Bootleg the A-Side, Fred Gallery, London
Split decision. 2009 & Piled lizards, 2009. Ink and charcoal on watercolour paper. Shown at Jahresgaben, Badische-Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
Then I Wrote A Song About It, 2008. 4-channel sound installation, mobile & static drawings on paper, mixed media
Images from 'Pop goes the Weasel' exhibition, Badische Kunstverein, Karlsruhe Germany, 2008
Images from 'Pop goes the Weasel' exhibition, Badische Kunstverein, Karlsruhe Germany, 2008
La Carmagnole des She Romps (with Pauline Curnier Jardin & Goodiepal) 2008
Video, drawing, sound, interactive elements. variable dimensions.
Freeze Frames, pen & ink drawings on A4 paper, 2005-2006, shown at Lönnström Museum, Rauma, Finland
Strips & Characters, Kunstraum Munich & Kunstverein Wolfsburg, 2004, more images
Night-dream, Day-mare, 2003, series of pen & conté drawings on A4 paper, Kunstraum Munich and Kunstverein Wolfsburg
Untitled Series, mixed media drawings on A4 paper, 2002
Drawings on the line, They know how to rocktoc. Hi Mum!, 2001. Pen and digital print on A4 paper, Shown at Hinterconti Gallery, Hamburg, Kunstraum Munich and Kunstverein Wolfsburg
America, pen & ink drawings on watercolour paper, series 2000, exhibited at Ins, Haus der Kunst and Strips and Characters, Kunstraum Munich & Kunstverein Wolfsburg
Kombiticket, NGBK 2010 - 2012

"Kombiticket" was the title of a 2-year engagement programme at the NGBK Berlin. It combined workshops, events, a book fair, concerts and talks and built up a network of 'club' members, both participants and contributors to the programme alike. In 2013 the book 'Kombiticket' was published, with text and images documenting the activities.
A Table for Voices, ( Table for Tina, Yvonne, Everybody Else & Catriona), 2010. Research, sound, drawing, performance (2010 - ongoing). Performance at Badische Kunstverein, 2010

Diese Arbeit dreht sich um eine künstlerische Recherche zu verschiedenen entkörperlichten Stimmen in Form von aufgezeichneten Stimmen (Gesangsstimme und Schrift). Anhand einer Untersuchung zweier unterschiedlicher Stimmaufnahmen von zwei weiblichen Protagonistinnen der zeitgenössischen Musik und Performanceszene, nämlich Tina Turner und Yvonne Rainer, habe ich mich mit dem Thema Stimmen ohne Körper auseinandergesetzt. Davon ausgehend habe ich ein interaktives Objekt entwickelt, das auf poetische Art und Weise die Fragilität und flüchtige Natur der entkörperlichten Stimme zum Ausdruck bringen und ihr zugleich wieder Körperlichkeit verleihen soll.
Galeri Baberton, virtual gallery in physical space 2004 - 2007

Galeri Baberton is an exclusively online gallery that exhibits only doodles / scribbles / mistakes. Between 2006 and 2007 the openings became physical, taking up residency in Post 26 in Berlin and in Artloft, Vienna. The gallery was projected on the wall and the interactive clicking of guests was visible to all. Irreverent and irrelevant lectures (usually in relation to the exhibition title) were given by MC Ghazi Barakhat, music was played and drinks were consumed.
JOKAklubi, since 2010

Peace and Action, 2012, Baltic Theatre Festival, Helsinki
The Hunt for The Berlin Artist, 2011, KW Berlin
The Ends, 2010 - 2011, Baltic Theatre Festival, Helsinki & W139, Amsterdam
Off-Art Talent Show, 2009 - ongoing, various locations throughout Europe
Regular 'guest star' in the group JOKAklubi (Niina Lehtonen Braun, Tellervo Kalleinen & Mirka Raito)
watch video from The Hunt for the Berlin Artist
The Hunt for The Berlin Artist, 2011, KW Berlin
The Ends, 2010 - 2011, Baltic Theatre Festival, Helsinki & W139, Amsterdam
Off-Art Talent Show, 2009 - ongoing, various locations throughout Europe
Regular 'guest star' in the group JOKAklubi (Niina Lehtonen Braun, Tellervo Kalleinen & Mirka Raito)
watch video from The Hunt for the Berlin Artist
gooeyTEAM (with Malve Lippmann)

gooeyTEAM (Catriona Shaw & Malve Lippmann) have been addressing the flattened world of computer screens in engagement projects since 2009. Combining performance, audience interaction and installation, they translate 2D elements of graphical user interfaces into '3D' physical spaces and back again.
Club le Bomb, 1999-2004 (with Emanuel Günther & until 2001 Benjamin Bergmann)

Club le Bomb began life as an email account. After gathering a small following (and starting massive rumours as to its whereabouts) the club came to physical life in the form of a prohibition-style venue that staged performances and concerts only on a Sunday. After six months of bedlam and havoc, the group had to vacate the premises. From 2000-2004 they toured Europe, in exile in a variety of venues, from clubs to pubs to posh art spaces. Club le Bomb was an outlet for outrageous and energetic 'underground' activities and an infamous hang-out for lively creative types participating in (very) unpredictable activities.
Club le Bomb website
Club le Bomb Radio Delay (2004)
Club le Bomb in Lothringer 13, Munich (200)
EMBY (with GMAM), 2000, various locations

Emby was the name for the portable 'product' embassy for art groups. Art groups from around the world could cut out and make their own Emby, sending physical examples of their work to one of the other groups, thus becoming ambassadors - participating groups were: Danger Museum Singapore, Zucker Berlin and GMAM Munich.
Spiel 99 (with Klara Hobza), 1998-2001

Spiel 99 was a surreal but very collaborative performance group who made some experiments in participatory arts (Klinischer Kontakt) and newspaper editions (Old Hippie Stylistic). They were obsessed by star cult and myth and showed off whenever they had the opportunity. They also questioned the role of the individual ego in art and whether this was really necessary. A true community spirit.
Spiel 99's website (1999)